Sex Q&A Book

Kid's Questions-Parents' Answers

Available in English and Spanish

Sex Q&A is an 82-page booklet developed by more than 500 physicians and other health and education experts from National Physicians Center's (NPC) network of advisors.

This unique resource was designed to help parents and health educators address the difficult issues of adolescent growth and development from an abstinence perspective.

Attempts have been made to duplicate this resource but without success in reaching large and culturally diverse audiences. This is in part due to the broad-based input used to create Sex Q&A, and NPC's long standing credibility in the health community.

Topics include:

  • Pointers for Parents
  • Adolescent Brain Development
  • The Emotional Issues of Adolescence
  • Puberty
  • Reproduction
  • Sexually Transmitted Diseases
  • Communication and Character

Sex Q&A

  • Is a compilation of the most commonly asked questions by adolescents aged 9-16 from the United States and 50 countries
  • The information is multi-culturally sensitive and is easily adaptable to most local and international communities
  • In its 9th printing with more than 1.5 million copies distributed in the U.S. and 40 countries
  • Used by schools, health departments, parents, churches, healthcare and youth serving groups, Crisis Pregnancy Centers, physician's offices
  • Physician's answers provide exceptional credibility and inspire confidence
  • Presented in an easy-to-read format, and in 6th to 8th grade language
  • Available in English and Spanish


  • U.S. Health and Human Services
  • Dr. Kevin Lehman, author
  • Dr. John Rosemond, author
  • National Care Net Crisis Pregnancy Services
  • Red Cross Society of China (leading HIV-AIDS prevention education in China)
  • Parents Concern for Young People, Uganda, Africa
  • Real Life International, Lagos, Nigeria

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Viewer Comments

"Sex Q&A is a unique resource that offers expert help to those who are struggling for better ways to protect the health of their children."
Dr. Jane Anderson, San Francisco, CA pediatrician.

"I could find nothing that gave me the confidence to address these tough issues until I found Sex Q&A: thank you for this tremendous resource!"
A. Gee, Parent, Hong Kong

"The state provides this exceptional book for all educators and parents who are involved in our adolescent health education programs."
Director Abstinence Education, Alabama