Parenting Resources

Teaching Self-control to Elementary Age Children

Assigning chores to your elementary age child, teaching him how to save and creating opportunities for her to wait are 3 ways to encourage your child's development of self-control.

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What is Self-Control

Self-control is self-discipline or willpower – the ability to manage impulses and emotions and to regulate behavior.

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Marijuana Hazards for Elementary Age Children

Elementary age children exposed to marijuana in utero are more likely to have difficulty focusing on tasks, behavioral concerns and depressive symptoms.

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Hazards of Marijuana

Marijuana can have serious long-lasting effects.

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Tips for Preventing Teen Depression in Your Elementary Age Child

As your child increases in age, continue to encourage healthy nutrition, eating together as a family, promoting adequate sleep, limiting screen time, and practicing authoritative parenting in addition to assigning your child chores, building and maintaining family connectednes and encouraging exercise and outdoor activities to prevent the onset of teen depression.

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Tips for Parenting the "Only" Child

These children have the advantage of having undivided parental time, attention, and resources, but they can have a difficult time interacting with their peers and making friends as they have not had the practice at home of sharing, negotiating, and cooperating with siblings.

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Parenting the "Baby" of the Family

Lastborns are acutely aware that they are the youngest members in the family and know they are competing with their older siblings for attention. They quickly learn they can capture everyone’s attention by making others laugh, so they tend to be engaging and enjoy the company of others.

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Parenting Second Born Children and Middle Children

Second born children tend to “bounce off” the firstborn – or the child immediately ahead of them – often developing opposite traits of the firstborn. Middle children tend to be the most difficult to characterize, having contradictory personality traits.

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Tips for Parenting Firstborn Children

While parents of firstborns tend to be inexperienced and possibly anxious as they are parenting for the first time, these parents may also have more time to parent than when they have subsequent children--which consequently impacts how the child develops.

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How Birth Order Impacts Parenting

Although controversy still surrounds this topic, birth order can give us clues to a child’s development of intelligence and personality traits and help us parent appropriately.

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