Parenting Resources

Picture Smart & Music Smart

Your child thinks with pictures

Children who are ‘picture smart think with pictures and pay attention to pictures, maps, and diagrams. They can quickly describe the pictures in their minds and may be able to tell you about the movies playing in their mind that leads to a tendency to daydream. Picture smart children may enjoy doodling, can design projects in their minds, understand geometry problems, and respond well to the concept of “Picture this”. Picture smart children enjoy games like Pictionary, and they process emotions by coloring and creating.

Picture smart children may not want to look at their parents’ faces if parents are disappointed or upset as the children will keep that image in their minds for a long time.

Be careful of asking this of picture smart children. Picture smart children will also likely need to have limits set on their use of technology and screen time.

Your child thinks with music

“Music smart’ children think with melodies and will often begin singing or making music when excited by tapping their fingers or spontaneously humming or whistling. These children enjoy singing in choirs, playing musical instruments, and may have an easier time learning the more tonal Asian languages.

Children who are music smart may have a much more difficult time completing homework assignments while listening to music because they are distracted by the melody or rhythm. Music smart children enjoy Cranium as the game allows them to create art, hum or act out clues. They process emotions by listening to or creating music.

Music smart children may get into trouble because of distracting behaviors such as humming when they are supposed to be quiet. Parents can help them find quieter ways to express their musical abilities - moving fingers, tapping feet, etc.