Abstinence-based booklet to help parents discuss the concerns of adolescence

"Sex Q&A"

Available in English and Spanish

Sex Q&A is an 85-page abstinence-based booklet developed by physicians and other health educators to help parents discuss the concerns of adolescence, including physical and emotional growth, as well as puberty and reproduction.

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Abstinence-centered, medically accurate, scientifically-based educational resource

"Prescriptions for Parents"

Available in English and Chinese

Prescriptions for Parents” is an award-winning educational resource developed by physicians.  It is abstinence-centered, offering medically accurate, scientifically-based information relevant to 9-16 yr. olds in an easy-to-navigate format.  Beautiful graphics on puberty and reproduction assist parents and educators, making this an excellent teaching tool.

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Current medical literature concerning parenting and families.

Our Newsletters

Making scientific research practical for parents.  Each newsletter reports on current medical literature concerning parenting and families, and provides hints on how to practically apply the information.

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About National Physicians Center

The National Physicians Center (NPC) was founded in 2000 for the purpose of involving physicians in policy formation in issues of health and child welfare at the national and international levels. Participating physicians have volunteered their time and expertise to promote medically and scientifically valid practices in public health and child welfare and to produce educational resources for families and health educators.

NPC involvement has included projects in the U.S., China and Africa.  In the past few years, the NPC has become more project-oriented, producing a video newsletter for parents and health educators, and providing advice and educational resources for health education work in Africa.